Friday, July 6, 2018

My beautiful girl,

This is our first week sleeping in the new place. It doesn’t feel like home yet. Little by little I guess. We’ve been so busy and there’s so much yet to do...

But I miss you my little girl.

So much. And I miss writing to you too. The days aren’t long enough and I’m physically and mentally worn out.

Uncle Chris and family are here to take Bella on their family vacation for a week. I’m going to miss her.  But maybe it will be good for just me and Sissy it be here together. We’ve been arguing a lot lately and I’m not sure why. The move has been stressing and maybe we’re all just tired.

I love you my mouse.

I wish I could talk to you. Even from Heaven, I wish you could tell me about all the wonderful things you are doing. I can’t wait until we’re finally done with this so I can get some time back to write and continue to advocate for your cause.

Good night my angel. Sweet dreams <3



  1. 😕 Moving is very stressful. Only way to make it through is to divide and conquer. It’s so taxing to pack and then unpack. I try to take my time in taking things out little at a time otherwise it can make you feel overwhelmed easily.

    Hopefully you guys get to relax and take breaks in between. Maybe do something fun together before trying to unpack everything and unpack essentials.

    If you need help Sunday, we are free babe. 💜
