Friday, June 26, 2015


My dear beautiful Hailey,

Today I can't help but feel heartbroken. Some days I miss you so much & it hurts so bad. Some days I still can't believe you're gone. No matter what I tell myself, or others tell me to make me feel better....nothing does.

They say life is short. But it will be a long life living without you. Sometimes I just can't stand it. I'm sorry... I just miss my heart.

So beautiful, my Hailey Anne. <3
I love you so much my angel.
Some days I long for your sweet smile.
I will just have to rely on my memory & all the pictures...

Bella said to me last night, as we were talking & crying over you, "Mommy, you were such a good Mommy to the mouse. She will never forget that." "You are the glue that holds this family together." So sweet my Bella. I still remember her words to me some weeks back, when I was having a another really bad she held my face in her hands, "Mommy, I need you."

I will be strong.
The tears will spill when the pain overflows.
I will pick myself up and continue.
I will wish upon all the stars & the moon & the sun,
That I see you & hold you again.
Then & only then will I be at peace again.

I love you my baby girl.

Always & forever,
Forever your mommy.
