Sunday, August 7, 2016

Something good

Baby girl,
The summer continues to wind down. Your sisters are off to NJ tomorrow and staying the week, while Daddy & I will be meeting up with them Saturday for Nanny's 95th b-day party. I have a feeling it will be a long week. But I think it will be a good break for all of us. Your sisters are usually stuck at home while we are at work...
It will be just Rocky, Daddy & I. I've made plans with friends since Daddy works long hours...I've found that it's better for me to stay busy than be home alone with just my thoughts.
I took your sisters to see you at the gardens today. To remind you to visit them along with your cousins, but to also come by and see me once in a while too. During our visit, a big beautiful yellow monarch butterfly- a Haileyfly, flew right by us. Just like one that flew by Bella, Daniella & Natalia earlier today at the pool. They said you were letting them know you were right by their side, then Bella started to teaching them ''how to swim like a mermaid." :)
A couple times now Bella has mentioned she felt you swimming close to her. The first time, she said she felt a touch on her cheek & she turned her head to find no one there. Then the other day, she heard someone whisper her name in her ear as she was coming up for air. Both times she was so excited when she came to tell me, smiling from ear to ear. <3
Thinking about that, reminded me of something I wrote the other day my mouse. The night before I had that dream about you...
Something good via @wordpressdotcom
I'm always trying to thinking of something good. Think about something positive. It always leads me back to our precious memories together. I don't think it's being stuck in the past. And if it is, then I guess I will be stuck there forever.

Papi found this the other day. My sweet girl, he said.
She was so full of life. And it gave me a big
painful lump in my throat. :(
Such a great day with the family. Love to see all the smiles.
More summer memories. Every year I'd take you to the library
to sign you girls up for their summer reading program. The
more books you read, the more prizes. So every week, you'd write them all down
and take your lists back to the library, wait in line & hand them to the student
volunteers who would then hand you back food, ice cream, Splashdown Park coupons,
stickers, book marks, etc. You would all love it & look forward to it. It's
always the simple things that make us the happiest, we just don't realize it
at the time. Not until later, until we start looking back, do we realize those small things,
were in fact huge things.

You girls loved this movie. Made me buy it, watched it over & over,
until I loved it too.

This is why. <3

You girls were always my something good. When all else failed or disappointed, I had my girls. Our family & friends...

When I start to feel or question if there's any good left in this life, I remember. Your sisters. They're still there depending on me.

You three still are & always will be, my something good. <3

Goodnight my angel.
Love you forever,
Your mommy

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