Will I ever fully accept? Sometimes I think I have, ever so reluctantly. Sometimes I think I never will. I'll never want to. Yet I "buy new sheets, new car"...
Yet, I can see God in everything...and I see you in everything too.
“Acceptance is, in part, a slow metamorphosis of the mind.”
“When you deconstruct your subconscious walls of self-protection and live again in open, free exchange with others and the world, you are arrive at acceptance.”
“When the thoughts of your mind find expression in words, you hear what grows inside after the death of your loved one. They speak of that which dwells deep within. Acceptance speaks peace. Acceptance speaks love. Acceptance speaks gratitude for the gifts of grief and the gift of life.”
“But if you allow grief to defeat your spirit, acceptance may be a dull resignation that has little to do with hope and faith.”
“With the death of your loved one, it is understandable that for a while negative thoughts easily overwhelm the positive. Yet life lived in chronic negativity is life lived in darkness. Acceptance cannot penetrate darkness; it thrives on light.”
“In acceptance, you transcend physical loss and embrace the spirit of that person’s life and love that remains with you always.”
“As adjustment slowly shifts to acceptance, the cold reality of absence is eased by the certainty of endearing love: “Love and faithfulness meet together, righteousness and peace kiss each other. Faithfulness springs forth from earth, and righteousness look down from heaven.” (Psalm 85:10-11 NIV)
“The whispered spiritual presence of your loved one surround you each day, encouraging you to live on and share your legacy of love with others.”
“God has not ordained your loss and sorrow. Rather, God meets you at your place of brokenness; God is here in everything.”
“God leads you and works with you to shape a life of meaning and purpose.”
“Everything new is an outward reflection of your growing acceptance. If you buy sheets, decide on a new car, take a trip, or move your place of residence, you affirm acceptance of life as it is.”
“Finally acceptance is victory. Acceptance is the strength and power of an unconquerable soul. As clouds of doubt and fear slowly drift away, you find yourself standing at last, reanimated to the life in the full sun light of God’s wonderful grace. And in this moment you are assured from within that there is life beyond grief because there is life beyond death.”
“For You have delivered my soul from death,
my eyes from tears,
my feet from stumbling."
Psalm 116:8 NRSV