We're not ending this month on the best note; going to bed without talking to your sisters, without saying goodnight...
I'm so tired.
Sometimes it seems no matter what I do, how hard I try, it's just not good enough. I know I'm not the perfect mother, I know I have my moments. Specially now. But I try to redeem myself...I try. Lately, it seems like I'm trying all the time. I'm beginning to think maybe I'm trying too hard. Since it seems to be backfiring, maybe I should stop.
It's been really tough my mouse. I haven't said anything because I try to stay focused on the positive, but sometimes I just need to vent. Like usual, Daddy is at work. He of course doesn't get to deal with this stuff, because he works so much...
So it's just me & my letters to you.
It's been especially tough with Sissy this summer, but now it seems like it's rubbing off on Bella too (& she's not even a teenager yet).
I could go on about all the things that bother me, that we argue or clash about...but that wouldn't do any good. I would rather come up with a solution, but I haven't been able to think of any without resorting to do things I don't want to do.
I don't want to be mean. I don't want to be the bad guy. I don't want to be in this constant state of stress. Yet, it seems that no matter how patient I try to be, how understanding, it always comes back to this.
It's not all the time, my mouse. But it's enough times.
I feel like I've always tried to give you girls everything I never had- not only the material things, but more importantly love & affection too; protection, opportunity...the list goes on. Sometimes I thought I gave too much, tried too hard. I saw how at times it would backfire.
But that is what parents are supposed to do after all, right? Sacrifice & provide? I thought I was doing a good job at it, up until I lost you...
I tried to do an even better job after that, because your sisters are the reason I get up after all. I felt their loss, their pain, mixed in with mine. I've tried to show them the way...to keep going, to move forward. To be the one they turn to. They depend on me; on us...after all.
But again I see & feel it backfiring baby girl.
It was different when you were all little. When I noticed you were getting too spoiled, too demanding, I would pull back some & it wouldn't be that big of a deal. The rewards were small but great; hugs, kisses, notes, cards. All those little things I miss.
Now the rewards are great too. Sissy & Bella's school year accomplishments & their grades. Sissy's job & car. Bella's baking. But not too many hugs & kisses...
Now the expectations & demands on us parents are bigger too, but not always that reasonable.
After losing you baby girl-
Maybe we gave too much to try & compensate. To compensate for not being the perfect parents. To forget about the pain momentarily. Whatever it took...
Maybe we gave too much of ourselves, when there wasn't much left to give.
Now that we're trying to pull back, it seems like a big deal...
Your sisters aren't little anymore, so it's not that easy. They've entered that dreaded teenage stage. Hopefully we can slow it down for Bella.
I sometimes wonder if you were here now, at age 13, you would be giving me the same headaches. <3
I wouldn't mind it, as long as you were here my mouse. That is what I try & remind myself with them. That there are worse things. That at least they are here by my side for us to argue & make up. That I would rather have that than the other alternative..
I think about it whenever I meet a bereaved parent online who lost their only child...
How horrible that would be.
I'm trying...I'm trying my mouse. Daddy too. Everyday.
It's so hard being a parent. It's the hardest job in the world.
I hope that this too shall pass. That these are just growing pains & we will get through it with minimal silent treatments or verbal sparring matches.
I'm trying not to shut down like I usually do. The therapist gave me some meditation exercises to use whenever I feel my anxiety & stress levels go up. So far so good. I have a feeling I will be an expert before the year is over.
I love you my mouse.
It was always hard staying mad at you because you would crack up in the middle of me yelling at you & then make me crack up. Remember that?
I miss that & I miss you.
And whether your sisters want to believe it or not now, I know one day they will.
I love them too.
Sweet dreams,
Working on this. I'm trying. |
This too. |